Silhouette Portrait 041414
A Sketch on a Guest Girl 122613
Inspiration: Taken on a Guest Magazine Fall/Winter Issue
A Watercolor Painting of a Vogue Magazine Model 030914
Inspiration: Taken on Vogue Magazine June 2013 Issue
Vogue Magazine June 2013 Issue Model Portrait 041214
Last month was a sunny inspiring for me to do some art crafts in my home, and since I was in the middle of my summer vacation, I sometimes spend my rest of summer to illustrate something to enhance more my skills in every medium that I have in my home.
I already upload it on my Instagram account about the post progress of each Illustrations. You may recognize that some of the dates finished the works are not in the month of April, pardon because my other works are recently found somewhere and realized to upload it immediately. So I say it that it was April Illustration.
To know more about the progress please feel free to visit my Instagram account by clicking to this link: